Sunday, December 11, 2011

Where Is The White

So for the past few days it has been extremly cold out side here in Green Bay. The Fox river that is never frozen tell a few weeks after it snows is already well on its way. The only thing that isn't well on its way is the number of inches of snow that we have gotten. It is only a few weeks away from Christmas and we still don't even have a start. By this time every year we are normally well on our way to a very merry white Christmas. But this year it seems that all might change. Deer huting season has come and gone and all hunters around here pray and beg for snow and that is usually when on the last weekend that we get hit hard with snow. I hate shoveling but at this point in mid December in just ready for it. There are many things that I do in the winter time but due to this tragic weather this year I am unable to complete. The other main problem with the season being more and more late is that it means that it will last even longer in the spring and that means that like last year our softball team will be shoveling the feild to try to be able to start our season. This is going to be one very long and dreaded spring. So as ypu get done reading this if you are some where that has snow and are willing to share we will be more than happy to take just a few inches off your hands.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Time for Thanks

So I know that this post is a little late but I just relized that it never posed. Hope you enjoy.

As most of you out there may know already its almost Thanksgiving. Normally I don't get over happy about this but this year for some reason unknown to me I just can't wait. I believe that it may partly have to do with being able to see my brother whom I have not seen since before I made my trip this summer. To some that may not seem like long but for me it has been forever. Along with getting to see my brother, there is all the great food. This is the first Thanksgiving since I stated going hunting with my dad that him and me will actually be home on Thanksgiving day. As much as I wish we could be out there like every other year I know that taking the year off will be the best since he just had surgery. The only thing that I'm not looking forward to is working on black Friday. This is due to the fact that I don't want to deal with the cranky customers and the people whom I work with because they will either be complaining about not being able to shopping or everyone not having patience. The only other thing that I am very excited about is that this means Christmas is even closer and even more time with the family and off from school.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

313 Days

Once again as always my sister and I got in to a fight that had me storming out of the house. No one even stopped to say anything on my way out. From there I went to work from 5-9. Upon my arrival home after work and just a little extra time out of the house for myself I returned home. The only thing that has been said to me in the past two hours is "Hello" from my mother when I walked in partly because I had to walk past her to get down stairs to my room. After that was nothing tell about 20 minutes ago when I turned on my music and it was a little to loud I guess cause I then received a text message saying to be a little bit more quite cause there are people trying to sleep. I did not think that it was that loud but I guess again I was wrong just like I am with everything here. In 313 days I will be a legal adult at the age of 18. I know that I will have a year left of high school left but to me that does not matter. I want to get out and be on my own just to show everyone that has doubted me that I can make it on my own. To prove to my family that I may be the last one out of the house but that I can handle the responsibility of school, work and fending for myself. Because to them I may not seem like I know how to or that I do. But for the little bit that I spend at home I might as well be out on my own. I know that mom and dad will tell me to just wait to be done with high school but I know that I will be lucky if I can make it that long. The more that I spend here the more I seem to fall farther and farther away from everyone of the family. I have friends at school and out side of school that don't understand what I'm saying when they ask what is wrong. This is due to the fact that none of them had to grow up and learn to be their own person and take care of themselves. Because unlike a normal child and teenager, I did not have the choice to not do anything and not have any responsibility. As I have been told by my mom and doctors I didn't really have a childhood. When I'm at school or work and people bring up their childhood memories. I sit there and think wow for the life of me I can't remember anything from then. I have been told that I blocked out my childhood because there were no memories worth remembering. To tell you the truth from the stories I have heard from my childhood I can completely believe that that is what happened. So in 313 days I will show everyone that thinks I can't do it. That the little girl that they thought that I would always be hasn't been around for a while. So that Jeep Wrangler that I have wanted for so many years I guess will just be put off so that I can get out and start my own life and feel like I might make a difference in my life.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Moment of Time

Since school has started, me getting my job back, I have not had a lot of time just for me. So now that I have a day off from school and work I am going to take advantage of it to the fullest. I'm taking time to catch up on my blog, and other blogs that I have not time to read. So years ago I would not be caught dead saying this but now is different. I am really enjoying this school year so far. I don't have an exact reason why. I do know that with the full class schedule that I have picked for this year. To someone who doesn't know my schedule they would think that I'm crazy for saying that i have a full schedule. Well what they don't know is that both of my study halls that I have are for the two independent classes I have. Also that none of my classes this year are not easy classes. By this I mean they are not classes that I don't get homework in. Almost all of my classes I get homework every night, I'm not complaining because I don't mind it at all. to tell you the truth I am starting to like it. I think this is because with homework nightly it keeps me busy. Well now that I am partly caught up on here I am going to start on the homework that I have for this weekend.

Monday, July 25, 2011

One Week

So from today I only have one week left in Roanoke VA. I am very happy to be going home but at the same time I will miss a few things from around here. Some of the people that I met, a few things I get to do, and the view of the mountains. With knowing that I will have all that I just walked away from back makes me feel happy. Part of me thinks this might be selfish, but the other part of me has seen just how lucky to have everything at home that I do. When I gave it all up I didn't know that it was all very important to my everyday life. Seeing how much I had to reshape my life for what I had this summer makes me very thankful that I have all of that. Well then call me selfish if you want but I can't wait to go back home. Plus getting to go home early is going to give me the time that I otherwise would not have had to spend with my family, and friends. So in a week if you want to call me selfish then go for it. But what I am going back to is where I am from and I am very thankful for that. So what ever anyone says about me, I have what I have and that's all that I will need.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Coming Home

So about a week ago I found out that I was going home two weeks earlier than what was planned. With this news I am happy to be finally going home. At the same time I will miss some of the what are everyday things I get to do here. One thing that I am most happy about, I know it should be getting to see my mom, dad and other friends again but, it is getting to have my own car again. I know that seems selfish but I will be able to go places when I want with out having to wait for the car and then when able to go its either to late, or she is to tired and I can't go cause I have to watch the baby. I know that sounds stupid because that is what I am here for but the way that I understood it when I took the job was that when she would be coming home from work I wold get to do what I wanted and not have to be the only one taking care of her child. There are times that I just want to have time for my self and when I do get the car I am going and getting something for her that she doesn't want to go do herself and I have to take the baby or I get to go do what I want to and I have to be back when she wants me back but she never gives me a time limit so I will be in the middle of doing what ever I finally got to do and she is calling and asking me when I will be home and why I'm taking so long. There was this once I was just running to Walmart to pick up a few things that she wanted to and i needed a few things too so I was taking my time trying to relax and I just get in the store and she is calling me asking how much longer I will be. It was kind of like this when we first came but I thought she was just being protective. Well the longer I am here the more stuff she is making me do. It is so bad that she makes me make her coffee and that's what ever cause I have some too, but when its done brewing and she tells me to bring her her cup of coffee so that she doesn't have have to get up. I wouldn't mind if she was doing work when she asked but she is always just checking facebook or watching T.V. When I took this job I didn't know that this is what I was signing up for. I guess this is one of those things that parents tell you, "you don't really  know what you are in store for" again parents do know what they are talking about.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well Here We Go!

So as I talked about in my last few posts my transition from WI to VA went well and is going well. The only thing that seemed to take forever was the trip here. Contrary to what you may think we didn't get a moving company and fly here. We rented a U-haul, packed it up, and the next morning we left at 2 A.M. Yes as any teenager would do I didn't go home and go to bed I stayed up so I could get my second wind. The drive that we made was not that of one or two or even three hours. This was a 16 hour drive but with traffic, gas stops, tolls, food stops, turns into a 20 hour drive. Well for the first four and a half five hours I didn't drive but I didn't sleep either. Well I guess I did sleep but it was for 15 minutes and I felt so awake after that. Well about the third stop after we had just gotten into Ohio I took over and started to drive. Well this would have not been that big of a deal because I have driven a truck/SUV before. But this was completely different I have never driven with a trailer before. This was not one of those little two wheel trailers, this was a four wheel, tires wider than the truck and the trailer, 6X12, packed with half of a house. So with no experience under my belt and if something would go wrong not an option here situation I took the wheel like I have done this a million times. For how I thought it was going to be to how it was was not to different. With two monsters, a small orange juice and a coffee down in just over four and a half hours, with remind you no sleep in about what was a good 18 to 19 hours I was ready to go up against the world. I drove through Ohio and through about half of West VA. For about the last about 130 miles Sam took over and drove again because we were getting in to the hills and he had driven them before whereas I have not. By the time we reached the apartment we had both been up for over 38 hours. Well after the 20 hours of driving when we got out of the car we were both happy because we knew we didn't have to get back in the car to drive for what seemed to be forever. Well we didn't just go inside and go to bed with unpacking just what was necessary, but we did go and lay on the floor for about a half hour. Well after those 30 minutes we went to the trailer and unpacked the whole thing. Not how you may think of unpacking we just took the stuff out and brought it all inside, so more emptied the trailer. After that we ordered out so at around 11:30 not much is open but Deney's was so we ordered went got the food and then ate. well after eating we still didn't head to bed. By the time we headed to bed it was already 2:30. Well today Sam and me didn't get up until around 1:30 the only time I got up was to feed Arovo and put him back to bed. Well after getting up we started to unpack right away. Well with sleeping for over half the day, unpacking and the little bit of running around we had to do we got all the unpacking done in about half a day. To some this may not be at all exciting but for me it is life changing. But so far in the two days of this new step in my life I feel that I have accomplished so much. As my summer here in VA  goes on I will also keep you in the loop of the what may be crazy, boring, unimaginable, or just the every day life stuff.

~The Steps that you take are never to big~

Saturday, June 11, 2011


So I have 3 days left before my summer is invaded by my job. I know with all of this I don't really sound happy about leaving. But that is not the case at all. The truth is that when you are one of those people who puts everything off tell its the day before, things always get messy. Well in these last three days I have to do my two months worth of laundry, pack, make sure I have everything, double check everything, see a few more people, and then I be leaving. The though of having to do all of this makes my head want to explode. Of course just like any other time I try to start my laundry I get one load done and end up getting distracted by other things. This time is no different I am distracted by blogging about this and of course like any teenager facebook. So here I go I'm going to try to get back on task and do all the things that I have to complete in the next two days. Wish me luck. I'll give you and update as soon as I have one of how my list is coming.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

One out of a Million

    In 5 days I'll be gone for 9 weeks. In those nine weeks I will be taking care of a 5 month old. When the nine weeks are over I will be flying back to Green Bay with the baby and he will be staying with his dad and I will be going over and talking care of him while his dad is at work. In this process of getting ready to go I have to decided how many clothes I will bring. With the all of the things that I have to do before I leave I don't know when I am going to have enough time to do it all. About the only thing that I have gotten done that I had to do before I leave for the summer was to apply for my passport. This is the only thing I have completed in my list of about a million things to do.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's Been A While

     So I know that it's been a very long time since I have been on here and updated whats going on in my world. So its almost to the end of the school year when all of the papers for all the classes are do and finals are mixed somewhere in that mess that is the end of the year. and when i think about it I can't really rap my head around the fact that I'm going to be a junior. I feel as if its been just yesterday that I walked in to this school not knowing a single person and and being at the bottom of the totem pole as a freshmen. The thought of in just a little over two years i will be done with high school and I will be on my way to bigger and better things of college, a full time job, looking to settle down and maybe even start a family. When I look to this as what will as soon as I know it be the present it to me isn't scary but a little over whelming. This is what has been happening in my "High School Career" these last few weeks.
     The longer that I work at McDonald's the more I have been wishing and hoping to find a new job. As I have been turning applications all over and not hearing a word from any one I decided to take a brake and let things settle down and then start again. But the other day I came home from a softball game to have my mom tell me that I need to sit down because she needed to talk to me. My first thought was that I did something wrong at school and they called her but I could think of anything that I might have done. Then Thoughts of something went wrong, someone got hurt, or someone died started to go through my head. As I sat down to hear what she had to tell me before I started to panic. The first words out of her mouth were "This is something that is going to change your life forever." With hearing this I immediately went back to all the bad things. She then went on to say that she and my dad had been asked if I could move out to Virginia for the summer and be the family nanny. As soon as she told me this I was so excited that I said yes before she was even done talking. So some time this week end me and my mom are going to go over there and get all the details set out. So as I stopped looking for a new job a new one has decided to find me. So far I think my summer is off to a very good start and I don't know how much better it can get from here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I always get asked how can I like to listen to country music. Well the answer is when you really listen to what the lyrics truly say its what has or has happened in your life at some point. For the past few weeks I have been on a role of only listening to Taylor Swift. Many Say her songs are stupid and pointless but to me the meaning is more then just the noise that most hear when they listen to music. Since the start of her first song that she put out I have been able to relate in some way. My new favorite from her is "MEAN" it talks about those who always put people down and never have a single nice thing to say. One of my favorite things about online music libraries and play lists is that you can put just the songs or artists that you want on them. My favorite online music place is Music is one of the most important things to my day.

~There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.~
~William P. Merrill~

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Start of the New Season

So about a week ago the softball season started and I found out just how out of shape I really am. About the same time that the season started I got a gym membership. I had worked out and told myself that I was going to go before school everyday and work out for an hour. Well we all know how hard it is to get back in your normal school schedule after spring break. So starting tomorrow morning I am making my self get up and go. I know that the more I make this a regular thing for my mornings the easier it will become. This softball season I am going to make it the best it can be and become the best player I can be. One of the main reasons for this is because that is the whole point of playing sports to become better and because as of right now this is my last year and I want to make it count. As I see it this is going to be the best season ever!

~If Softball was any easier it would be called Baseball!~

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Snow Break

It's the middle of spring break and we have just got the third biggest snow storm of the year. Our softball practice was canceled because of to much snow and the thick ice on the road. The weather man says that it should start to warm up but the last time it did that... we got this snow storm that dumped 17.something inches of snow.  I'm ready for this to be over and for the warm weather to come and stay. This has been one of my least favorite spring breaks of all.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

That One Feeling

One thing can change your out look on everything. Well I got that one thing today that changed how I feel about everything. The one thing that I feel is going to make everything go in the wrong direction. I know that what I am feeling is only feeling, that its not going to happen. As many times as I tell myself this it doesn't seem to make it any better. I try to get it off my mind but nothing seems to be able to take it off. To just for even five minutes even just put it in the back of my mind. People ask whats wrong and I say nothing because its just easier to hide it and deal with it myself then to tell everyone. So many time I have been told that it's not good to hold everything in that talking about it helps. This over the years I found is a lie. Talking about it just makes it hurt even more, let alone everyone soon after telling that one person knows. And then not only is everyone talking about it, they start to ask you about it. This makes it hurt even more again. I know that in time it will become easier its just the time it take for that feeling to come seems to take way to long. This is the times in life that I wish there was just a fast forward button. The only thing that matters right now is that I know life will go on.

~ Always remember the moments if your life that made you smile there the ones that make it worth living~

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pause Button

So lately life has been just as crazy as it has ever been. School and lots of homework, finding time to spend with people out side of school. Well some days I wish my life just had a Pause Button. To be able to spend more time with those that I don't get to see that often. or just don't want to have to leave. But just my luck that's just not the way that life works. In the past few months I have really come to appreciate the things in my everyday life that one day might just not be there any more. To care for the ones that mean the world to me, and wish the best on those that are not. To thank God for everything that I have and start to learn the reasons for the things that I don't. To keep dreaming and shooting for the stars so that just maybe one day soon I'll be able to reach out and grab them. Looking back to my past I can see many times I should have been thankful for what I had, but instead was angry for not getting what I wanted. If I could go back and tell myself that one day I will be thankful for that anyways I would. Seeing the destruction in the world, wither from nature or man, looking back and seeing the faces of those that I reached out my time or even a hand to help them in their time of need is something that I will never forget. All the help that I have been given and have given out over the years I hope when the day comes that again I may need help someone will be there to reach a hand out to me and tell me that it will be okay. Knowing that I have reached out and touched many lives helping out because I love to help those who need and appreciate it has changed my world and once again make me wish I could pause time to keep the feeling I get knowing I did something to change someones life in a God pleasing way.

~ Life is to short so forgive but don't forget, don't stop dreaming, and keep those that mean the world to you close~

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just Once

There are always those things that you just don't want to remember, talk about, or just don't want anyone else to know about. When it's just easier to lie about what is wrong or what is bothering you. Well personally i have seem to have a lot of those things that I don't want to tell anyone. A few people have seemed to notice and ask if everything is okay. I take the easy way out and just say yes. Over the past few years I have gotten very good at this. Even the acting like everything is okay when I feel like falling in a hole and never coming out cause it might just make it go away then. After a while it seems like people give up on trying to get you to tell them what is wrong. The best thing I have found that helps to get to get people to quit asking is to each person tell something different cause then when everyone talks to try to figure it out they have no idea or just something as simple as I just don't feel good does the job too. For years I have been doing this and it has never failed for me yet and I don't think it will any time soon. There are only a few people out there that when asked whats wrong or if something is bothering me will I tell them the truth. This is because they are the ones that I can trust to not tell anyone else and not get mad and really understand what is going on and how I really feel. There are some days that I wish I would just have the courage to tell them the truth but that would make for some very long and dreaded days. Which would not be in my favor cause a lot of days are already long and dreaded.

~Maybe some day things will go in a direction in my favor~

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Choice Is Made

So a lot of things seemed to happen this year that don't really have a reason but make every thing just in to a mess. At NEW Lutheran the cost of going there next year has been raised and my family can't affored it. I know what school I would be going to for my junior and senior year and its back with the friends that I let after the 8th grade. When I left no one knew the reason of my leaving except for my best friend whom promised me she wouldn't tell anyone. Like a true friend she did and as the sophmore year started I told her that if someone asked she could tell them. I was tired of hiding. Since everyone knows the reason I left I'm not scared or worried to go back. The thing that makes me the most upset about it all is that next year I will not be able to play any sports for me junior year. This really brings me down because I have growen to have a love for the game of softball. My coach who is the most understanding through all of this is part of the reason for this new found love of mine. I talked to her one on one to tell her about next year and as I stood there cry feeling bad about letting the team down what would be my junior year there she told me not to worry about it and to worry about this season cause that alone is far enough away. This seem to make some of my worries melt away but not all of them. As far as most people know the only reason I am leaving is the cost but that is not the only reason there are many more but most people don't seem to even wonder what is going on. As I see it the people I call my friend if they r true friends they will care in the long run

~a true friend will be there to the end~

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What a Week

The next day off of school is in March sometime and I can't wait. As some people may know I'm not really a people's person. Many people, okay almost everyone, at my school and at work are driving me crazy. Every one is easily annoyed from each other and then seem to take it out on others too. I hope this week is starting to get better, much better than last week. Even School has noticed the change in peoples attitudes. They have sent out a few emails to parents telling them to check their students phone's, facebook, and any other electronics. When even a school that doesn't seem to do much to help solve problems but they are this time. So either many people have complained about it or the teachers are starting to notice there might be something really wrong. I really wish that everyone would just be able to get along with everyone else with out problems. I know this wish will never come true but i will always wish that.

If you don't ever have a dream (wish) there is no point to life anymore!
~Lois Pierce~

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Every Time

Why is it that every time the things that seem to be going wrong seem to start to get better, more stuff seems to go wrong. My aunt is getting better but now my boyfriend is going through a rough time and I am trying my hardest to be there for him but every time that I get some thing figured out with him someone or something else seems to bring him down again. Every time this happens it seems as if its harder and harder to cheer up. I know that I have to be strong for him and be there for him but I feel as if every time we go through this it gets harder and harder for me too. These are the times that I wish that I was still a little kid when my biggest problem was that someone pushed me on the playground. No matter what happens I will always be there for him and love him through the toughest thing that will happen.

I love you Christopher!<3

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sending the Prayers Up

In the last two days everything that can seem to go wrong did and the things you didn't think would go wrong still did. Sunday afternoon is when it all started to go down hill. I was in Appleton with Chris and his mom and as we got in the car to leave Starbucks to head back to their house. When my phone started to ring. It was my mom. My first thought was that she was going to remind me to be home by three since I spent the night over there. But that wasn't it at all. She was calling me to let me know that my aunt was being rushed to the hospital. She was showing the signs that she just had a stroke and the doctors said that she did have a stroke, but also that her kidneys were shutting down. This scared me cause no one ever wants to lose a family member, but she was more than an aunt to me. I grew up at her house during the summer. We were told that if she made it though the night she would most likely get better soon. But as of this morning that doesn't seem to be God's plan. My aunt seems to be getting worse. I guess what ever God plans for her will be the plan that will be followed. Please as you read this keep my aunt in your prayers, for Gods plan to keep her safe and away from pain.

Leslie Pierce You Are In Our Prayers!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Long Time

The friends that you can hang out with and don't even have to say anything. They give you that "remember when" look and the both of you burst out laughing and can't stop. Well me and my best friend have this kind of relationship. I love it and wouldn't trade it for a million dollars. Or anything for that matter. We text each other all the time and try to set up times to hang out, but there never seems to be anytime that works for both of us. Between school, work, family, and school activities, there hasn't been a day that works for both of us. We have been trying to find a time to hang out for about a month and a half and it never seems to work. As far as we can tell the soonest that we will be able to spend some bff time will be in March and that means another two months. Its crazy. I love this crazy beautiful life but I wish two of these crazy beautiful lives would fit together better. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

The 2011 Year

I know that I'm a little late talking about this but I feel a need to talk about it. 2011 has come and is here and we are well into the new year. It started out good and seemed it was going to stay that way, but that all seemed to change. The year went from good to crazy, and full of drama. I was looking forward to a good year with less drama and everything else that seems to make life crazy. My hopes that as this year goes on it becomes better. That I will be able to over come the craziness of life and be the person that I want to be and not worry about what others think. I want to be the one that people know that even if they spread rumors about me they aren't going to to get to me. As everyone says a new year a new me and that is a promise that I am going to keep.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Half Way There

So today and yesterday were finals for the semester. As an "normal" teen out there I studied my notes and the stuff that the teachers told us that we should. I spent the better of the last about week and a half trying to prepare for three test yes only three. The more that I studied the more I felt that my head was going to explode. I took my first test yesterday. Which was for Microsoft Office, a class that I find easy so I did not have to study to much cause I knew most of the material. This was nice but at the same time made me start to slowly freak out about the other two. As I started to prepare for my other tests I started to wish that I would have payed more attention during class. As I started to studied for my New Testament Test I was looking up some of the things that the teacher told us to look up and to know for the test and I officially started to panic. I gave up on that test and started to study for Biology. As I studied for this test the same thing started to happen. I gave up on studying for both of those test last night and hoped that I knew enough of the material for both of these test and headed to bed. I went to school this morning and the major panic kicked in. Ten minutes before the first test and I found my self cramming for these tests. After the first test I sat there in amazment at how much of the test that I knew. This was the same thing that happened for the last test of the semester too. Its crazy how we all panic and stress out and feel like we are going crazy when finals come around. When all we have to do is trust in God and study but not stress out about it.

~Trust in God with all that you do and try for he will always be there for you no matter what is going on in your life even when you feel as you are out in the crazy world all alone God is by your side

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Girl Time

So today I took my mom out to get our nails done and for lunch. The time that we were together was great. We haven’t really had just mom and daughter time. While I sat there talking with her, I realized how much I miss being younger not having homework, going to work, and being able to speed time with her more than just on one day of the weekend. I wish that as the older that I get I still had the same amount of time to spend with my mom as when I was little. I feel like I spend the same amount of time spent with my dad as when I was little. Today made me realize that even though I’m not much of a mommy’s girl as some say, I still love the time that I get to spend with her. I hope that no matter how old I get I still have time to spend with my mom, and yes my dad too.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


So I guess that you could say that I have never really been a people person, but I have always tried my hardest to get along with them. But in the last few weeks I think that I’m starting to reach my braking point with them. People everywhere seem to becoming less and less caring and respectful. Everywhere from the store to work. It really seems to me that more and more people seem to becoming less and less people persons. The past two days while I was at work I got told that everyone that worked there could just go and f*** off. With this and many other things I got to the point that I feel like not even trying to be nice to those people that don’t even try to be a little kind or caring or even a little nice. I know that this sounds mean but I’m not really one to care what others think of me. So I guess that maybe all those years growing up that my parents said to treat other the way you want them to treat you. I really think that todays society is forgetting the things that we grew up knowing as right, and that this is why people are the way they are and act. I think that we need to bring back the things we learned when we were kids. Maybe this would bring the actions of society and the feeling toward others to a better spot with each other. I guess that this is just my thoughts as to what and where the world is headed and has gone.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Old Times

Today me and my friend Rae went to Starbucks and as we were talking many things came up. How when we were little time seemed to pass by so slowly. Then when we grew up the older we got the faster it seemed to go. As we were sitting there we were talking about how it feels like we just meet. But the truth is that we have been friends for a almost 2 years. Then how some of our friends have knowen us for so long and also knowen them too. Within the time that we have knowen these friends the other one of one of us never came up. Then we meet each other not knowing this and we find out that we both know the same friend. This person seems to come up all the time. When we look back at all the memories we have made in the past 2 years there isn’t anything that I would change about it all. There are many people out there that I would never give up the memories that we have made with each other. Because those memories that we made together made me who I am today. Someone who is happy with who I am and loves the memories that I have.
