Thursday, September 13, 2012

Time Flies

With in the last few months I have realized that by the time I get done with school in January, my life is really going to start. By this I mean that I will be in college while the rest of the people that I went to high school withbwill be on their last semester. Since about the middle of summer I have really found that the senioritises really dose kick in. I had so many plans that I wanted to do for my last summer before for my life is to change for ever. I can't say that I didn't do anythintg that wasbon that list but I didn't even get to check off even half of them, only about four of them. I'm not trying to say that I fine have a fun summer and that I regret it, because I don't that's not the case at all. Its just that through everything that can and went this summer I learned that what you want and what is for the best are completely different. Not that I didn't know this already but I really found out what people ment by when they told me when they would tell me not to wish time away and to grow up to fast. This is diffentally the one thing that I now realize I did to much whe  I was little. Now I catch myself saying that I want the time to stand still and even go back in time to when I was little. I know I will never regret anything in life because I know that everything has happened to make me a stronger and smarter person and it happened for a reason. But I know that I will never again wish for time to go faster or to just get over with. Always look at what's going on and know that whatever is going on is happening to make you a better person all in all.