Thursday, February 28, 2013

When Everything Changes

The last four years have been what some would say as a life changing time, between figuring out who I am as a person, where I want to go in my life, and how I was going to accomplish my goals. Within the last four years the things that I thought would never change did, all changed for the best but at the time if you would have asked me I would have said the complete opposite.

One of the biggest and most influential changes that happened was the very first day of what was then the next four years of my life. I walked in not knowing a soul, nor wanting to be there. As time passed I started to accept this was one change I could not keep from happening. As time just seemed to just fly by with no control of how fast or slow, memories where made and some are the best that I have. Some I wish I could change but I know that the lessons that I learned where ones that I needed to learn. From new friends, to a new school, to new teams, to trying everything that I could be part of.

Through all of these new chances, at the time, I learned that for the things that I can not change, there is always a different way to approach any situation. Looking back at the last four years I have learned that regretting things is just a waste of time, and of a good lesson that can be learned. Don't get me wrong there was a point where I did regret things that had or were happening. But looking back now I don't regret them, I see them as the lessons that God wanted me to learn and knew I need at the time and that was the one way he knew that I could not miss them.

So from all this yes, there was a point that I hated high school, when I just couldn't wait to be done, to just be given the chance to get out of this place. Yes there are still days that I feel this way but I know they will pass and where ever I end up is right were God wants me to be.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Long Time Gone

Over the last year a lot of things have for me have changed. My school, my friends, my job, my ambitions, the plan on how to reach my goals and dreams. With in the last year I have accomplished many things that I knew I would sooner or later accomplish, but many where a lot sooner than I expected.
  1. Apply for semester graduation
  2. Complete summer class
  3. Change schools
  4. Make new friends
  5. Take school seriously
  6. Pass all classes
  7. Graduate early
From these seven things I am able to cross off each one knowing that I put my full effort into completing them with everything that I had. To some these things may not seem like much but to me they were everything.

Looking back I would have never thought I would be where I am today. I have learned who I truly am, who my true friends are, what my future holds, and what is to come next for me. I have found that those who I thought were the most important to me, where, but some I found that what I thought we had meant nothing. I also learned who I truly was and what was truly important to me and what I wanted to be known for standing for. Although many things from the past year I wish I could change, but I know that they happened the way they did for a reason. Some of those reasons I have learned to accept and others I accept but still wish I could change but I know if they changed everything else would most likely change too.

Although I have learned and changed a lot I know it has been for the best and helped me learn what I am meant to do with my life and where my life will be taking me in the next few years.