Just the other day for the first time I spent most of my night trying to get Maci to bed. She had her night time bottle, had some cuddle time, when she finally fell asleep I put her in her crib. And this is when everything turned. She decided that as tired as she was she was not going to sleep.
At first this was not anything new, she does this many nights. But this time she was up about every ten minutes. This was the night that she decided to learn to play the game of being over tired and continuously waking herself just as she would start to fall asleep.
As this went on for about an hour I really learned that your child will push you to the limits everyday with something new. These things are some times the things that you just want to walk away because you run out of patients.
Being a single parent when you hit this point you do not always have someone else to turn to. I am lucky that even though I do not have a partner to share these challenges with both of my parents are more than willing to help me whenever they can. Even on nights that all we have is a crabby overtired baby. I could not be more thankful for them then I am now.
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