Monday, June 24, 2013

The Wonders Of Music

I am sure that we have all at one time or another come across a song that sums up our life at that time better than any words we ever could. For me I feel this happens quite often because to start with I am not very good with words to begin with. So over the last four years I have really started to turn to music to help me find the words that I need oh so much at that time. Not always does it help but most of the time it does.

I personally feel that I always seem to come across these songs when I least expect it, or even when I don't realize that I am looking for one. Again this is how it happened this last time which was less than a week ago. It was about 12:30 AM while I was in my car on my way home. It was one of those nights that there seem to be nothing but talking on the radio, so just like any other time this happens I started playing my music. But although there was only music nothing seemed to be what I wanted to listen to, so I just kept changing the song to hopefully fine one before I reached home. At the first stop light I came to it was red, and at the same time a song started that I didn't remember having or ever heard before. So as I listen every word that came out of the speakers struck me like it was everything that I have been trying to figure out a way to say.

I know that many times it is only one song but for me this time it was two and it was right in a row.

These two songs seemed to change my night and next few days around.

I know you may be asking what the songs were:

She Don't Love Me - Blake Shelton
Sinners Like Me - Eric Church

I know they may seem like weird songs but the first one is everything that I someday hope will be between my ex and me. As far as the second one goes I'm not sure why but I just can't seem to not listen to it after.

~Not only does she not love me she don't hate me anymore~

~I come from a long line of sinners like me~

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