Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's Been A While

     So I know that it's been a very long time since I have been on here and updated whats going on in my world. So its almost to the end of the school year when all of the papers for all the classes are do and finals are mixed somewhere in that mess that is the end of the year. and when i think about it I can't really rap my head around the fact that I'm going to be a junior. I feel as if its been just yesterday that I walked in to this school not knowing a single person and and being at the bottom of the totem pole as a freshmen. The thought of in just a little over two years i will be done with high school and I will be on my way to bigger and better things of college, a full time job, looking to settle down and maybe even start a family. When I look to this as what will as soon as I know it be the present it to me isn't scary but a little over whelming. This is what has been happening in my "High School Career" these last few weeks.
     The longer that I work at McDonald's the more I have been wishing and hoping to find a new job. As I have been turning applications all over and not hearing a word from any one I decided to take a brake and let things settle down and then start again. But the other day I came home from a softball game to have my mom tell me that I need to sit down because she needed to talk to me. My first thought was that I did something wrong at school and they called her but I could think of anything that I might have done. Then Thoughts of something went wrong, someone got hurt, or someone died started to go through my head. As I sat down to hear what she had to tell me before I started to panic. The first words out of her mouth were "This is something that is going to change your life forever." With hearing this I immediately went back to all the bad things. She then went on to say that she and my dad had been asked if I could move out to Virginia for the summer and be the family nanny. As soon as she told me this I was so excited that I said yes before she was even done talking. So some time this week end me and my mom are going to go over there and get all the details set out. So as I stopped looking for a new job a new one has decided to find me. So far I think my summer is off to a very good start and I don't know how much better it can get from here.

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