Sunday, January 30, 2011
What a Week
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Every Time
I love you Christopher!<3
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sending the Prayers Up
Leslie Pierce You Are In Our Prayers!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Long Time
Friday, January 14, 2011
The 2011 Year
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Half Way There
~Trust in God with all that you do and try for he will always be there for you no matter what is going on in your life even when you feel as you are out in the crazy world all alone God is by your side
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Girl Time
So today I took my mom out to get our nails done and for lunch. The time that we were together was great. We haven’t really had just mom and daughter time. While I sat there talking with her, I realized how much I miss being younger not having homework, going to work, and being able to speed time with her more than just on one day of the weekend. I wish that as the older that I get I still had the same amount of time to spend with my mom as when I was little. I feel like I spend the same amount of time spent with my dad as when I was little. Today made me realize that even though I’m not much of a mommy’s girl as some say, I still love the time that I get to spend with her. I hope that no matter how old I get I still have time to spend with my mom, and yes my dad too.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
So I guess that you could say that I have never really been a people person, but I have always tried my hardest to get along with them. But in the last few weeks I think that I’m starting to reach my braking point with them. People everywhere seem to becoming less and less caring and respectful. Everywhere from the store to work. It really seems to me that more and more people seem to becoming less and less people persons. The past two days while I was at work I got told that everyone that worked there could just go and f*** off. With this and many other things I got to the point that I feel like not even trying to be nice to those people that don’t even try to be a little kind or caring or even a little nice. I know that this sounds mean but I’m not really one to care what others think of me. So I guess that maybe all those years growing up that my parents said to treat other the way you want them to treat you. I really think that todays society is forgetting the things that we grew up knowing as right, and that this is why people are the way they are and act. I think that we need to bring back the things we learned when we were kids. Maybe this would bring the actions of society and the feeling toward others to a better spot with each other. I guess that this is just my thoughts as to what and where the world is headed and has gone.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Old Times
Today me and my friend Rae went to Starbucks and as we were talking many things came up. How when we were little time seemed to pass by so slowly. Then when we grew up the older we got the faster it seemed to go. As we were sitting there we were talking about how it feels like we just meet. But the truth is that we have been friends for a almost 2 years. Then how some of our friends have knowen us for so long and also knowen them too. Within the time that we have knowen these friends the other one of one of us never came up. Then we meet each other not knowing this and we find out that we both know the same friend. This person seems to come up all the time. When we look back at all the memories we have made in the past 2 years there isn’t anything that I would change about it all. There are many people out there that I would never give up the memories that we have made with each other. Because those memories that we made together made me who I am today. Someone who is happy with who I am and loves the memories that I have.