Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Truth of a Secret…

We have all heard the old saying secrets don't make friends but friends make secrets. Well I was at home bored so I looked up a show that I have wanted to see and watched the first few episodes. The t.v. show that seems like just a good unwritten book is in the truth something that could really happen to five best friends, Pretty Little Liars. The more episodes that I watch the more real this seems to become. I sure we all have those few friends that if something would happen to the friendship they could ruin your life forever. Well maybe not all of us have those friends but I sure know that I do. The ones when you get in to a huge fight you think about telling everyone what you know you said that you never would and you know that at the same time they are thinking the same thing. But when reality sinks in you know that even know you have the power to ruin their reputation you won’t cause they can do the same to yours. So after a day or two your friends again like nothing ever happened. I know that I have these kind of friends out there, and that makes me think all those times my parents told me not to make, share, tell, keep secrets with someone I wish I would have listened to them just the one time and maybe my crazy thing that I call life that I feel gets a little to crazy for me would be just a little easier. I never thought that I would ever say this but for once my parents were right. The old saying secrets don’t make friends but friends make secrets isn't always true sometimes the secrets are what make you friends cause you could ruin each others lives.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Old Memories

This morning the computer that I had ordered yesterday morning came, and the feeling that I got was one that I used to get on Christmas morning when I was little and it was like four in the morning. When as soon as you woke up you would go running into your parents room to wake them from their sleep. When they look at the clock and tell you to go back to bed for a while. When I looked online to see when it was going to come it said that it should be here tomorrow or even the day after. The door bell rang, I went to go see what or who it was. When i saw the fedex van and the package on the front step i couldn't help but feel like a little kid again. I opened the door grabbed the box. I went running into my moms room to tell her the good news. She got up to see me open the box then told me to go to the other room so that she could go back to bed. My only question to her was how could she sleep when something so great just happened?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

No School

We all know how boring school is and can be. It feels as if it drags on all day, like it never will end, like if you could just take a twenty minute brake things would just seen to begin to become better at school. As Christmas brake started about a week ago im relizing why I can only take so much of a brake. The days are longer feeling with nothing to fill the day with. I cant complain much about the first three to four days of brake were the best. Laying around the house doing nothing was nice but now I'm becoming tired of nothing to do to fill my day. I don't want to rush brake to go back to school cause we all know that's not fun. But at the same time I feel like brake is taking forever and there is nothing that I can seem to do to make it feel as if the day isn't draging on like Im in school with out being there I cant wait to find something to do to pass the time that is much funner than anything close to school.

Boredom is a vital problem for the moralist, since at least half the sins of mankind are caused by the fear of it.  ~Bertrand Russell, The Conquest of Happiness

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Begins

Today is the second day of Christmas brake and it feels as if its the first. There are so many things to finish up before Christmas arrives. I have to finish wrapping and shopping, find time to see the people outside of my family to give them their presents and all the other things my parents need me to do before. I hope that in the days that follow, things can slow down and i can just relax like you imagine doing over the holidays. The best thing about going out is seeing everyone in the holiday spirit. People caring for one another spending time with the people that mean the most to them. The look that comes into a persons eyes when you see them open a gift that they were given. I hope everyone has a good Christmas and New Years.

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree:  the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.  ~Burton Hillis

Christmas is a necessity.  There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves.  ~Eric Sevareid

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Alright I know that I haven't been on here for a while but life has been so busy. Between work, school, and finding time to hang with friends I feel like I run out of time to do anything. Its Thanksgiving week so we don't have school for the end of the week and its deer hunting time. This year my mom came up with my dad and me. Its been nice so far not having to do anything really. The part that I am really enjoying is the no stress, drama, no homework, and no work. Its so relaxing. Its nice to be able to spend time with mom and dad and not have to worry about anything else. Ill try to write more often between everything. I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sports Drama

Every coach has their favorites which is ok. But there are a few that it goes way to far. This is where the volleyball coach is at my school. I know I'm not one of his favorites and that doesn't bother me. Its the part that you can tell who is and they can never do anything wrong. Then there is the people that think that they are a favorite but we all know they aren't. Then the ones that even if you don't do anything wrong and someone else did its still your fault. This is the part that really makes me mad. When I think of every thing that has gone on during the season it wasn't tell the end of the season that this has all started to really show. It is the same way with the other coaches at school but it doesn't seem to be as bad as it is in volleyball. These are the times that I wish that I could be little again when the best sport there was was tag or double dutch. I just wish that all of the drama of high school would just go away.

"Life would be perfect if: some girls had mute buttons, some guys had edit buttons, bad times had fast forward buttons, and good times had pause buttons."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ghost Adventures

Im sitting here with my mom and sister watching tv. All day while Ive been bored and just sitting around the only show that I have had on is Ghost Adventures. This got me thinking that what else in our lives have to do with ghosts. Ive never got this feeling from any other tv show that had to do with ghosts. I think that I have found a new favorite show! That is the next one that is after NCIS. At this point I dont think any show is better than NCIS but I will say that Ghost Adventures is pretty colse. I cant believe that Ive only seen this show for the first time today!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Those Talks

I came home the other night and I was talking to my mom and the t.v. was on. A commerical came on and I made the comment that I loved the show that it was talking about. This started a whole conversation about the show Teen Mom. Who our favorite moms were and why we liked them so much. This made me realize that mom and me have more in common than what I thought. I was always the Daddy's little girl and the one who loved to get dirty. I am still that way today, but this made me see that the more I grow up the more I become the little princess that my mom always wanted me to be. This made me realize that maybe change is a good thing. Even when you don't realize that its happening tell after the fact. The best part is that I am starting to get the feeling that I can talk to my mom about more things. I will say this is a feeling I didn't think I would have for a while. "A true friend is someone who knows there's something wrong even when you have the biggest smile on your face."

Friday, October 22, 2010

The True Friend

The true friend that you can talk about anything to. Those are the one that last forever. The ones that you look forword to seeing every week. I found out a few days ago that I wasnt going to get to see him all  the time now. Over the past year we have grown closer. So close that I feel as if he is a unbiological brother. He said that he would still come to see us and he told me where he is going to working now so I can go see him. But its still not going to be the same. The knowing that when I go over to the shop the one I can joke openly with wont be there. It kinda remides me of the first time my older brother left for college. This is the kinda friend that only comes around every once in a while but never leaves.

"The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch swing with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've ever had. "
~ Unknown

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Being One of the Guys

Up tell eighth grade I hung out with mostly guys. Eating with the guys, playing football at lunch, and even hanging out with the guys after school. My mom getting mad cause i wasn't the little girly girl that she always wanted her baby to be. I never really thought about it but I have now started to understand what the big deal really was.

My freshman year I changed schools and stopped talking to most of my guy friends. To top it all off the guys at the new school were very different. They weren't the same as the guys that I always hung with. That's when I decided that i would go with the flow and see where it takes me. I had found some good girls to hang with and all was going good. But there was still the thing that I was not used to hanging with girls and doing girly stuff. By the end of my freshman year I had started to become more girly. Then summer came and I started going to work with my dad everyday. The tomboy that I had thought that I was started to get away from started to come back.

Next thing I knew school was starting again and the weirdness of not fitting in was back. Even though I know that they accept me for who I am and they don't think anything less of me for it. There is still the part of me that want to go back to my old school and go back to the days that I felt as if I was just one of the guys and that was just the way I thought it would always be. The one thing that I learned from this whole thing is that no matter what you have to be yourself no matter what others want you to be.

"I think life is a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense."
~Harold Kushner

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Day In Chicago

4 in the morning and I wake up, get ready, and start to fall back to sleep. By 6 in the morning we are on the road. We stop get breakfast and back on the road. It is now about 9:30 we are driving around by Chicago. We stopped by the lake played in the waves like little kids. By the end our feet were so cold and the sand was hurting our feet. Dripping wet we got back in the car and went back on our way to downtown Chicago. Once here we drove around for what seemed like for ever then we finally found what we were looking for. A parking spot! We got out and started to walk around and started to go shopping. It was so cool to see the city. By lunch time we stopped for pizza. Then off we went again so many stores to go in in what seemed to be such a little time to see them all. We found a hotel checked in and off in to the night we went walking and around every corner a new world seemed to open. Now its like 10:30 and I feel as if I have been here for what seems like a life time. This is the first and the best trip that I have ever taken to Chicago.